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Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

    Trouver & retrouver

    Saisir des mots-clefs, activer des filtres et rechercher.


    • le 21 March 2022

    19 03 2022

    On our travels this week - Simon & Garfunkel looking for America, Tom Waits in Istanbul, Santana in Columbia, the Proclaimers miles away, the Specials in Jamaica, Elvis still in the hotel, and the Yardbirds wishing they were in California. Dylan and Billie holiday bring on the night, and Elvis Costello is lost in the dark. Metaphors abound with Fleetwood Mac and Natacha Atlas. Kiki Dee does music, Al Green does Motown and Bill Frisell does the Beatles.

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