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Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

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    Brit d'Oc du 31.12.22 Beatles 2

    The second part of our two part Beatles special - the innovative and psychedelic years from 1965 to 1969.

    1. Sgt Pepper - Jimi Hendrix
    2. She’s Leaving Home – the Beatles
    3. Strawberry Fields Forever – the Beatles
    4. Eleanor Rigby – Aretha Franklin
    5. Got to Get You Into My Life - Earth Wind Fire
    6. Penny Lane - Les Sinners
    7. Dear Prudence - Siouxsie & the Banchees
    8. The Fool on the Hill – Shirley Bassey
    9. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds – Elton John
    10. Rocky Racoon - the Other Favorites
    11. Come Together – Tina Turner
    12. With A Little Help From my Friends – Joe Cocker
    13. Let It Be - Bill Withers
    14. Hey Jude - Wilson Pickett
    15. Here Comes the Sun - Nina Samone
    16. Something - the Beatles
    17. Back in the USSR – the Beatles
    18. Hello Goodbye – the Beatles


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