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Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

Vous êtes sur le site des archives 05/2021-03/2023

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    Britd'Oc - 07 05 2022 ok

    • le 12 May 2022

    Kicking off with Jelly Roll Morton we have a stomper of a show. As usual several name checks - Oasis with Lyla, Ricky Nelson with Mary Lou, Dr.John with Mama Roux and Floyd with Syd Barrett. And of course love and its entanglements get a mention - for the Yardbirds it's simple, Les Rita Mitsouko don't want it to end, Simple Minds want to be remembered, Bowie regrets a loss, there's a warning from John Kongos, John Mellencamp turns to drink, and the Eurythmics are on a manhunt. Ry sings about singing, John Mayall goes cotton-picking, Leo Kottke's finger-pickin', Stevie gets political and Pharrell Williams is just happy.

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